
Interview- How to respond when you don't know the answer

How many of you find it difficult to say- "Sir, I don't know the answer". Most of you do, right? May be you are afraid or you feel guilty for not knowing the answer.  Well in any of the case either it makes you sad or lowers your confidence and this is sufficient to get attention of interviewer. Well lets see if we can simplify this problem. First of all note that interviewer knows neither you are perfect nor you are google to know each and every answer! It is expected to have some gaps in candidates, but it is also expected that they know how to fill those gaps. Thus, as a good candidate, you should be able accept the gaps and should know how to fulfill the same. So what does this exactly mean? Well there are ways to respond to such questions for which you don't know answers. Make sure to keep below rules in mind while responding: Be Confident -  Even if answer is unknown, be calm and confident and let interviewer know the gap. Avoid words like Sorry - P...

Tell me about yourself - How to answer in better way

Most interviews start with this question and most people are confused while answering. Well it is a confusing question and it is so generic that it becomes hard to guess what exactly interviewer is expecting from that answer. Well here is some basic analysis that will help you to answer it in simple and better way. Where to start from - Always start with greetings. Say "Good morning" or afternoon or evening as per the clock and don't forget to smile 😊. Next comes your name, say it confidently and clearly. Don't let interviewer smell your fear. Now the actual introduction starts which should cover at least following expectations. What interviewer expects from you- Education: Mention it in short and clear words Work experience  - This should be always  relevant to job you are applying for. Mention your total experience and different roles you have played. For example, you may mention that "I have 6 years of strong experience in Android Development...

7 things your Interview preparation should include

Hello Friends, I was thinking about what should be my first post for you and suddenly I realized that I should start with the one of the most common topic which is hardly discussed and educated among all of us. Yes I am talking about Interview . We face it a lot and yet are worried about it every time we appear for it! Here I will try to share my experiences and suggestions to make life little better for you. Interview preparation is the key to make the process smoother. No matter how talented you are, you will need a preparation. Lets take a look at basic things you should consider while preparing for an interview. 1. Job profile How many of you actually read each and every sentence of job profile? I guess very few do that. I have seen people applying for job just by seeing its title or when one of the skills matches with theirs. This method works sometimes but believe me it is not effective and the chances of failures in interview are higher if you are blind about the job pro...

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