Interview- How to respond when you don't know the answer
How many of you find it difficult to say- "Sir, I don't know the answer". Most of you do, right? May be you are afraid or you feel guilty for not knowing the answer. Well in any of the case either it makes you sad or lowers your confidence and this is sufficient to get attention of interviewer. Well lets see if we can simplify this problem. First of all note that interviewer knows neither you are perfect nor you are google to know each and every answer! It is expected to have some gaps in candidates, but it is also expected that they know how to fill those gaps. Thus, as a good candidate, you should be able accept the gaps and should know how to fulfill the same. So what does this exactly mean? Well there are ways to respond to such questions for which you don't know answers. Make sure to keep below rules in mind while responding: Be Confident - Even if answer is unknown, be calm and confident and let interviewer know the gap. Avoid words like Sorry - P...